Schürmann, S.:Sekhmet's Amulet

Stefanie Schürmann

Sekhmet's Amulet

ISBN 978-3-89969-269-3;

289 Seiten; 9,99 EUR

nur als E-Book erhältlich

Military medic Mara Wallner takes a time-out in Egypt, after enduring trauma during the Afghanistan war. A curious incident in the desert spirits her to the Roman Empire during the time of Julius Caesar. There, she works as a medica in a gladiator-school, healing the fighters with modern therapeutical methods.
Soon Mara is in the middle of the Roman Empire's political troubles: She undertakes adventures with Octavius, Caesar's nephew; has a passionate affair with Brutus, Caesar's close friend... so when Caesar is assassinated, Mara finds herself trapped in the eye of the storm.